long hose or short hose? why using a long hose in sidemount configuration. As per standards it is mandatory in some courses, it is useful if you dive mixed teams and doing some kind of diving that require sharing gas,
Once you start to get in real sidemount places as narrow caves and wrecks, it is better to avoid it or better to have it? there are 2 different schools about that.
First one think you must have a long hose in any situation, to be able to help in case of OOG scenario, the long hose will be not a problem to manage and keep in a correct position, even when the cylinder will pushed in front.
Second way to think is the long hose it is unnecessary if you dive with all the team in sidemount and if you do a lot of restrictions during the dive, short hoses will be more safe and avoid entanglements, in sidemount configuration you will not need to share gas because loose two cylinders in the same moment it is quite improbable.
so? long hose or short hose? We personally think that the long hose is not necessary if all the team is in sidemount configuration, there are more advantages with this system and it is more safe.
Did you try to use all short hoses on your sidemount rig? if you have any question about, contact us at info@sidemountdivingmexico.com